
Matthew Deffebach in HR Magazine: ‘OSHA Expands Who May Wind Up on Its ‘Severe Violator’ List’

October 05, 2022

Haynes Boone Partner Matthew Deffebach was featured in an HR Magazine article. Below is an excerpt:

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recently announced it is expanding the criteria for placement in its Severe Violator Enforcement Program (SVEP) list. The result will be more employers on the SVEP list with beefed-up enforcement against them. …

"A failure to abate means there was a previous citation and the employer did not implement corrective action to fix the issue being cited," explained Matthew Deffebach, an attorney with Haynes Boone in Houston. "There has been a lot of criticism of OSHA's SVEP over the years."

OSHA's recent expansion of the program suggests that the agency "may be responding to some of that criticism by showing its commitment to the program and not backing away from it," Deffebach said.

Excerpted from HR Magazine. To read the full article, click here.