
Michael Mazzone in Power Hour Podcast: Winning Energy Legal Cases With Intellectual Persuasion

April 15, 2020
During a recent “Power Hour” podcast, Haynes and Boone, LLP Partner Michael Mazzone discussed how he applies principles of “intellectual persuasion” – including “framing,” “Arguing to 100,” “context-bridging,” and “opinion stories – in the courtroom to win energy cases.

Power Hour provides in-depth interviews with experts on topics such as green energy, offshore drilling, energy independence, and fossil fuels. The show features interviews with guests and a closing segment with takeaways from Host Alex Epstein.

In the April 1 podcast, Mazzone described how he used framing, for example, to help a jury better understand the issues of a case. Framing is used to ensure the important issues are debated. If done correctly, the questions will fit within the court’s charge to the jury—the legal questions the jury must answer to decide the case.

Here is an excerpt of the podcast:

Host: Michael Mazzone is a very successful energy lawyer at the firm Haynes and Boone in Houston, Texas, and he and I will be talking about intellectual persuasion … and why this is important, even if energy law is the farthest thing from your mind.

The topic is “Winning energy legal cases with intellectual persuasion,” and let me give you a little background on why I am talking about this and who my special guest is. The idea of “intellectual persuasion” is that you’re trying to persuade somebody intellectually, which means you’re not trying to manipulate them. You’re just trying to give them a super clear, honest explanation of the truth. The premise is that if you can really connect with their intellect, their mind, you can make a lot of progress.

Mazzone started applying the principles of intellectual persuasion and started having a lot of success … in winning major legal cases. I thought this would be cool as an illustration in general of intellectual persuasion, and for those of you in energy or certainly in law, this may help you even more.

Listen to the full discussion here. (Mazzone’s comments start at 1 hour and 30 minutes.)
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