Press Release

Haynes Boone Honored for DEI Standards in Bloomberg Law's 2024 DEI Framework

July 24, 2024

For the third consecutive year, Bloomberg Law has recognized Haynes and Boone, LLP’s demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) by naming the firm to its 2024 DEI Framework.

Haynes Boone is among 57 U.S.-based law firms recognized in the DEI Framework for their level of disclosure of diversity-related metrics and distinguished performance against six pillar areas. The firm beat the industry average score in recruitment and retention, leadership and talent pipeline, diversity and inclusion marketing, firm demographics and disclosure.

“Recognitions such as this exemplify our continued dedication to DEI and success in keeping it a core value of the firm,” said Haynes Boone Chief DEI Officer Sharon Jones.

The Bloomberg Law DEI Framework is the legal industry’s first and only standardized, fully transparent methodology to measure law firms’ performance in this critical arena. Submissions to this year’s DEI Framework increased by 15 percent, the third year in a row of double-digit growth, providing an even more robust view of diversity in the legal industry.

“Haynes Boone's commitment to DEI not only sets them apart, but also propels the entire legal field forward,” said Alex Butler, vice president of analysis and content at Bloomberg Law. “We are proud to recognize their performance by listing them in our fourth annual Bloomberg Law DEI Framework.”

The Bloomberg Law DEI Framework follows the firm’s many other DEI accolades over the past year:

Learn more about Haynes Boone’s DEI work in the firm's DEI Report

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