Patent Prosecution and Counseling

Our experience in filing patents spans numerous technologies, including medical devices, semiconductors, nanotechnology, oil well technology, wireless technology, software and telecommunications networking equipment, among others. The high volume of our filings over the years has also given us particular skill and insight into helping clients with patent reviews and reexaminations, reissues and other contested post-grant proceedings before the USPTO, including inter partes review and covered business patent reviews.

We also help develop and manage our clients’ global patent portfolios, offering a wide variety of patent counseling services to our clients, including:

  • Advice and opinions related to new and existing products, including IP audits, freedom to operate assessments, non-infringement and invalidity analyses, and the design and implementation of non-infringing alternatives to patented technology
  • Negotiation and drafting of technology licenses, and partnering and acquisition and sale agreements relating to IP portfolio assets
  • Due diligence in connection with mergers and acquisitions, project finance and other secured loan transactions
  • Performing patent landscape analysis and “white space” analysis to help our clients direct their research and development and patenting efforts to maximize both patent protection and enforcement against competitors
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McCombs, Bowser and Goryunov in Reuters: USPTO Issues New Rules on Motions to Amend in IPRs
October 22, 2024

Haynes Boone Partners David McCombs, Jonathan Bowser and Eugene Goryunov authored an article for Reuters on non-inventor testimony corroborating inventor testimony carrying more weight than initially thought, even though it may not deserve as much weight as it was given. Read an excerpt below. Inter partes review (IPR) proceedings before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) are frequent compon [...]